Urban Design Teaching and Learning at the School of Community and Regional Planning

These pages include the content of courses I teach in Urban Design at the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) at the University of British Columbia. Since 2007 I have been responsible for the urban design specialization at SCARP, which includes a general introduction for all planning students and a series of courses for the more specialized design student. You will find information on each of the 3 courses that comprise the foundation of urban design offerings. The intended sequence is PLAN 548L, PLAN 587A, and PLAN 587B. Under each of these headings you will find course syllabi, student work for each of the last 3 years, course evaluations for each course and some peer evaluations by my faculty colleagues at SCARP. I also conducted a survey of students after they graduated asking them about the continued relevance of PLAN 548L as they navigate the professional world.

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